Arctic Hope Alaskan Malamutes


Arctic Hope Alaskan Malamutes

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Hope showing excellent pulling form     Hope pulling at Harrisburg PA     Comet earning his first weight pull leg at his first weight pull


Weightpulling is something that our first three dogs enjoyed. They were all competitive and easily earned their Weight Pull Excellent titles. It's always exciting to watch new pullers suddenly "get it." You can truly see the light bulb go on in their heads: "Oh, that's what you want me to do!" Our two younger dogs prefer sledding to weightpulling, which is fine, too. Malamutes are an active, thinking breed, with a strong desire to work. Giving them a job makes them happy. So we always try a variety of activities.


Hope's best pull ever was 4500 pounds     Glacier pulling at Madison WI     Comet pulling over 3500 pounds



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Copyright 2005-2010 by Arctic Hope Alaskan Malamutes. All rights reserved; no part of this site may be copied or used without the express written consent of the owner.

Last updated February 12, 2008, by MalMaster